ICOS seminars
Members of the ICOS research group are meeting every week to discuss their work during a semi-formal seminar. Each seminar starts with a 30 minutes talk and is followed with 10 minutes of questions. The topic of the talk could be: (1) speaker's own work (possibly to get feedback before a conference presentation), (2) interesting article or a method/technique potentially useful in our work, (3) a problem from the speaker's research to be discussed within the group.
Future seminars
Next seminars
Past seminars
- 2024-10-17 - Yonatan Yehezkeally (Technical University of Munich)
DNA-bases storage systems: coding theory and algorithms - 2024-06-25 - Kai Armstrong
Research data extraction with large language models - 2024-06-11 - Leonardo Costa
Epileptic networks with motif synchronisation for interictal spike and focus localisation - 2024-05-21 - Vyte Janiukstyte
Normative brain maps and changes in alpha rhythm in temporal epilepsy - 2024-05-14 - Guillermo Besne
Effects of the anti-seizure medication on the electrical activity of a brain - 2024-04-23 - Dahui Yu
Synthesis of 3D volumetric brain images with diffusion models - 2024-04-16 - Sonja Fenske
Identifying neuroimaging markers of phenotypic traits in autism and epilepsy - 2024-03-26 - Monica Toft Hannani (Nordic Bioscience)
Endotype discovery and their longitudinal stability in osteoarthritis - 2024-03-12 - Matthew Crowther
A network approach to the specification, enhancement, and representation of synthetic biology designs - 2024-03-05 - Matt Burridge
Design and characterisation of large-scale biocatalyst panels - 2024-02-27 - Chris Thornton
Chronobiological rhythms and pathology in the brain - 2024-02-20 - Knectt Lendoye L'Eyebe
The utility of artificial intelligence in analysis of retinal tomography scans - 2024-01-30 - Aoesha Alsobhe
Drug repurposing with graph neural networks - 2023-12-05 - Ethan Collinson
Development of scalable molecular neural networks - 2023-11-28 - Sofía Sorbet Santiago
Detection of cell population dynamics in rheumatoid arthritis from flow cytometry data - 2023-11-21 - Alex Hawes
High-sensitivity real-time DNA biomarker detection with strand displacement - 2023-11-14 - Silvia Navarro
Synergetic Loops: validating computing through laboratory work, strengthening labs with computational innovations - 2023-11-07 - Csaba Kozma
Identifying epileptogenic abnormality by decomposing intracranial EEG and MEG power spectra - 2023-05-15 - Chris Myers (University of Colorado Boulder)
A standard-enabled workflow for synthetic biology - 2023-04-24 - Sarah Gascoigne
A library of quantitative markers of seizure severity - 2023-04-17 - Callum Simpson
Automated generation of epilepsy resection mask in pre-operative space - 2023-03-27 - Zhen Ou
High-throughput computational workflow for enzyme identification and characterisation - 2023-03-13 - Vyte Janiukstyte
Scalp EEG normative brain mapping and its clinical applications - 2023-03-06 - Ayesha Sahar
Integrative bioinformatics for emerging biological disciplines - 2023-02-20 - Yiming Huang
Machine learning approach to recognition of detrimental cellular states in synthetic organisms - 2023-02-13 - Conor Turner
Transfer learning for extracting age-related features from face images - 2022-12-12 - Emanuela Torelli
From switchable DNA nanodevices to light-up bio-orthogonal RNA nanoribbon - 2022-12-05 - Jordan Connolly
Artificial intelligence techniques for optimisation of nucleic acid origami experiments - 2022-11-21 - Gonzalo Vidal
An automated design, build, test, learn cycle to engineer genetic networks - 2022-06-21 - Jack Jennings
Computational optimisation of cooling profiles for cryopreservation of cells - 2022-06-14 - Ben Shirt-Ediss
Machine learning emulation of a computational PCR model - 2022-05-24 - Gerard Hall
Analysis of abnormal structural connectivity in extra-temporal lobe epilepsy patients - 2022-05-17 - David Markham
Building a bio-automation pipeline for the experimental validation of cross-species codon optimisation of heterologous proteins - 2022-05-10 - Jonny Horsley
Guiding iEEG electrode placement to improve surgical outcome of patients with epilepsy - 2022-04-26 - Lenka Pelechova
Public attitudes towards novel technologies: the case of DNA data storage - 2022-04-05 - Rahele Kafieh
Using AI to diagnose Parkinson's disease from the eye: the OCTAHEDRON project - 2022-03-29 - Phoenix Gater
De novo prediction of therapeutic antibodies with deep learning - 2022-03-22 - Aoesha Alsobhe
Probabilistic functional integrated networks for drug repurposing - 2022-03-15 - Rudolf Füchslin (Zurich University)
Curse and blessing of applying science - 2022-03-08 - Elisa Anastasi
Network medicine for disease module identification and drug repurposing with the NeDRex platform - 2022-02-08 - Marco Lewis
Verifying programs for quantum computers - 2022-02-01 - Daniel Todd
Digital single-molecule detection and absolute quantification of biomarkers - 2022-01-25 - Christian Taylor
Machine learning strategies for the forecasting of production pig growth - 2022-01-18 - Nadia Rostami
Version control and molecular barcoding of engineered cells - 2021-07-20 - Mariella Panagiotopoulou
Fluctuations in EEG band power at subject-specific timescales over minutes to days explain changes in seizure evolutions - 2021-07-13 - Tom Owen
Structural white matter correlations in the human brain: Towards classification, prediction, and mechanistic understanding - 2021-07-06 - Matthew Crowther
Automation of Synthetic Biology design cycle using standards and standard workflows - 2021-06-29 - Wendy Smith
Load stress in Bacillus subtilis - 2021-06-22 - Conor Turner
Does your face reveal how long will you live? - 2021-06-15 - Ayesha Sahar
A data science approach to standardised characterisation of tolerogenic antigen-presenting cells - 2021-06-08 - Alex Hawes
Engineering and architecture of toehold driven strand displacement DNA nanomachines - 2021-06-01 - Mingpei Li
Design and implementation of programmable environmental response-actuator systems using bacteria - 2021-05-18 - Carlo Masaia
Structured stochastic models based on layered entities for biological and biochemical applications - 2021-05-11 - Yiming Huang
Computational strategies for the identification of a transcriptional biomarker panel to sense cellular growth states in Bacillus subtilis - 2021-05-04 - Polly Moreland
Synthetic biology for the built environment: A pressure sensing and responsive Bacillus subtilis - 2021-04-27 - Emanuela Torelli
Towards in vivo origami: co-transcriptional folding of a bio-orthogonal scaffolded RNA nanoribbon - 2021-04-20 - Federico Angelini
Exploratory clustering analysis of osteoarthritis biochemical markers - 2021-03-30 - Bradley Brown
Introducing high-level modular design to synthetic bio-system development - 2021-03-02 - Bowen Li
Modelling and optimisation of DNA stack nano-device using probabilistic model checking - 2021-02-16 - Nishant Sinha
Clinical neurology in epilepsy at the crossroad of neuroimaging, machine learning, and computational modelling - 2021-02-09 - Marcus Kaiser
Twenty years: To Newcastle and beyond - 2021-02-02 - Jordan Connolly
Machine learning informed nucleic acid origami design - 2021-01-26 - Nizal Alshammry
Hypernormalising the Gene Ontology - 2020-12-01 - Mohammad alKhawashki
Non-invasive deep brain stimulation? - 2020-11-24 - Christoforos Papasavvas
Gain modulation and its effect on neural entrainment - 2020-11-17 - Jack Jennings
CryoDynaMo: An agent based approach to modelling cryopreservation - 2020-11-10 - Leanne Hobbs
CellRepo: A version control system for biotechnologists - 2020-10-20 - Lewis Grozinger
Can context dependence build better libraries of genetic inverters? - 2020-10-13 - Mohammad Halawani
Semi-automated data-driven methods to support ontology development - 2020-10-06 - Ben Shirt-Ediss
A model for the self-assembly of origami nanostructures - 2020-02-25 - Matthew Pocock
Big data makes coding on a super computer like developing embedded code - 2020-02-18 - Nicholas Chancellor (Durham University)
Applied quantum computing: past, present, and future - 2020-02-11 - Terry Steele (Nanyang Technological University)
Converging aptamer switch assays and tissue adhesives - 2020-01-28 - Carlo Masaia
Structured stochastic models for biochemical and biological systems - 2020-01-21 - Dinika Paramalingam
Personalising ultraviolet treatment for psoriasis through computational modelling - 2020-01-14 - Yiming Huang
Machine learning strategies for characterising the stress landscape of B.Subtilis - 2019-12-10 - James Skelton
Data integration for drug repurposing - 2019-11-19 - Bradley Brown
Introducing high-level modular design to synthetic bio-systems development - 2019-11-05 - Artur Sokolovsky
Event detection and tracking using Stack Overflow Q&A dataset and version release events - 2019-10-29 - Bowen Li
Micro-scale modelling of microbial communities using Individual-based Models - 2019-10-22 - Roman Bauer
Agent-based computational modelling of tissue dynamics - 2019-10-15 - Nishant Sinha
Predicting surgical outcomes and seizure mechanisms in epilepsy using machine learning and computational modelling - 2019-10-08 - Aisha Blfgeh
Wordified ontologies: Evaluating a novel paradigm for ontology editing - 2019-10-01 - Ruud Stoof
Transcription factors as a consumable for bacteria: How single usage leads to spatial co-location in natural gene networks - 2019-09-24 - Christian Atallah
Functional analysis of enzyme families using residue-residue coevolution similarity networks - 2019-07-23 - Bruno Mota (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
The physical origins of cortical morphology: a multi-scale surface-preserving analysis of cerebral cortices - 2019-07-02 - Anil Wipat
Computational approaches for mining metagenomes for genes encoding biocatalysts - 2019-06-25 - James McLaughlin
Knowledge representation in synthetic biology - 2019-06-18 - Jack Jennings
Machine learning for a dementia diagnosis utilising eyes open and eyes closed resting state EEG - 2019-06-11 - Ossama Alshabrawy
Automatic social interaction analysis based on wearable devices for people with depression - 2019-06-04 - Jean de Montigny (Institute of Neuroscience)
Computational modelling of retinal ganglion cell development - 2019-05-28 - Yujiang Wang
Universality of cortical morphology across individuals, regions, and scales - 2019-05-21 - Wendy Smith
Bacterial stress-identification and reporting - 2019-05-14 - Muzlifah Haniffa (Medical School)
The computational challenges of reconstructing the human immune system using single cell transcriptomics - 2019-05-07 - Gabriela Ochoa (University of Stirling)
The cartography of computational search spaces - 2019-04-23 - Paolo Zuliani
The arrow of time on quantum computers - 2019-04-09 - Valeria Verrone
Engineering the plant microbiome to improve crop quality and yield - 2019-04-02 - Denis Taniguchi
Deploying HPC to biofilm simulations - 2019-03-19 - María Graciela Molina (National University of Tucumán)
Scientific computing challenges in Argentina - 2019-03-12 - Stephan Scheidegger (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Understanding the dynamics of tumours: How systems science can improve anti-cancer - 2019-03-05 - Bill Yang
From the artificial genome of the baker's yeast to synthetic systems design - 2019-02-26 - Jake Cowton
A combined deep learning GRU-autoencoder for the early detection of respiratory disease in pigs using multiple environmental sensors - 2019-02-12 - Paweł Widera
Machine learning models for inclusion of progressors in OA clinical studies - 2019-02-05 - Jonathan Tellechea Luzardo
CellRepo: a version control system for microbial strains - 2019-01-29 - Phil Lord
Engineering ontologies for big data - 2019-01-22 - Mohammad Halawani
From PubMed to ontologies - 2019-01-15 - Harold Fellermann
The synthesis and simulation of artificial living systems - 2019-01-08 - Shouyong Jiang
Computational approaches to rational strain design for industrial biotechnology - 2018-12-04 - Marcus Kaiser
Regaining or maintaining brain health: current and future roles for computational models - 2018-11-20 - Angel Goñi Moreno
Control strategies for multitasking cellular computers - 2018-11-06 - Nádia da Silva
Longitudinal connectivity predicts changes in cognitive function after mild traumatic brain injury - 2018-10-30 - Keith Flanagan
ReopTrial: in-silico drug re-purposing - 2018-10-23 - Emanuela Torelli
Walk on the origami side: isothermal folding of a light-up bio-orthogonal RNA origami nanoribbon - 2018-10-16 - Alessandro Ceccarelli
Synthetic DNA and RNA origami scaffolds towards in vitro and in vivo applications - 2018-10-09 - James Skelton
Systematic identification of biocatalysts through a combined informatics approach - 2018-10-02 - Bradley Brown
Sensynova: A standardised modular and multicellular biosensor development platform - 2018-09-11 - Artur Sokolovsky
Multimodal big-data analysis for leveraging security of FLOSS - 2018-09-04 - Jeremy Revell
Stochastic rate parameter inference using the cross entropy method - 2018-07-31 - Michael White
Upgrading estrogen degradation in wastewater - 2018-07-17 - Aisha Blfgeh
Document-centric workflows for ontology development - 2018-07-10 - Bowen Li
NUFEB 3.0: A parallel simulator for individual-based modelling of microbial communities - 2018-07-03 - Tom Freeman (University of Edinburgh)
Graphia: a new network analysis platform for the exploration and analysis of big data - 2018-06-26 - Annunziata Lopiccolo
Controlling the self assembly of a DNA co-polymer to make a chemical memory device - 2018-06-05 - Daniel Cole (School of Natural and Environmental Sciences)
Modelling of quantum effects in biology and computer-aided drug design - 2018-05-29 - Mariia Vasileva
Probabilistic reachability: a review of estimation methods - 2018-05-22 - Jacob Beal (Raytheon / MIT)
Foundations for engineering biomolecular circuits - 2018-05-15 - Lucy Eland
Identification and testing of novel enzymes for the degredation of endocrine disrupting micropollutants - 2018-05-01 - Christian Atallah
Development of computational methods and tools for the mining of novel biocatalysts in metagenomes - 2018-03-27 - Ruud Stoof
Spatial concerns in synthetic biology designs - 2018-03-20 - Yuchun Ding
DeepButton: Automated image segmentation for challenging digital pathology data - 2018-03-13 - Nishant Sinha
Modelling alterations of brain connectivity in idiopathic generalised epilepsy to suggest mechanisms of epileptogenesis - 2018-03-06 - Michael Mackay
Statistics of risk: a novel framework for predictive models of binary events - 2018-02-20 - Chris Hayward
Exploring criticality in the context of epilepsy - 2018-02-13 - Wendy Smith
Portable cellular load and stress detectors - 2018-02-06 - Yujiang Wang
Fractals and multifractals in human brain dynamics - 2018-01-30 - Anil Wipat
Drug repositioning and an introduction to REPOTRIAL - 2018-01-23 - James McLaughlin
Introduction to the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) - 2018-01-16 - Valeria Verrone
Engineering the plant microbiome to improve crop quality and yield - 2018-01-09 - Jonathan Tellechea Luzardo
dCas9 as a tool for metabolic pathway assembly - 2017-12-19 - Mohammad Halawani
Semi-automated approaches to support ontology development - 2017-12-12 - Ossama Alshabrawy
Wearable computing technologies for analysing the social interactions of people with depression - 2017-12-05 - Ben Shirt-Ediss
Nucleic acid nanotechnology invades synthetic biology - 2017-11-28 - Roman Bauer
Computational modelling of neural layer formation - 2017-11-21 - Justin Dauwels (Nanyang Technological University)
AI applications for neurology and psychiatry - 2017-11-14 - Peter Taylor
The impact of epilepsy surgery on the structural connectome and its relation to outcome - 2017-11-07 - Christopher Thornton
Long term potentiation and paired pulse depression in a virtual brain slice - 2017-10-31 - The Newcastle University iGEM Team
Sensynova - a new era of biosensors - 2017-10-24 - Laurence Orr
Development of synthetic bacterial quorum communication systems for bacillus subtilis - 2017-10-03 - Shouyong Jiang
Evolutionary multiobjective optimisation: moving from methodologies to application - 2017-09-26 - Pablo Moscato (University of Newcastle, Australia)
"We have it all wrong" ...so what are you doing to change practice? - 2017-09-19 - Jeremy Revell
Parameter estimation for stocastic biological models - 2017-09-12 - Jonathan Naylor
Simbiotics: A multiscale integrative platform for 3D modelling of bacterial populations - 2017-07-25 - Nunzia Lopiccolo
In vitro implementation of a stack data structure based on DNA strand displacement - 2017-07-18 - Alessandro Ceccarelli
Toward in vivo nanostructures: hybrid origami folded on De Bruijn sequence scaffolds - 2017-07-11 - James Skelton
Workflows for the bioprospecting of metagenomic sequencing data - 2017-07-04 - Jurek Kozyra
Optimising nucleic acid sequences for a molecular data recorder - 2017-06-27 - Harold Fellermann
Computing with nucleotides - 2017-06-20 - Fedor Shmarov
Automated synthesis of safe and robust PID controllers for stochastic hybrid systems - 2017-06-13 - Nicola Paoletti (Stony Brook University)
Syntax-guided optimal synthesis for chemical reaction networks - 2017-06-06 - Phil Lord
Gender: It's about more than just gonads - 2017-05-23 - Aisha Blfgeh
Document-centric approach for developing ontologies - 2017-05-16 - John Holmes (University of Pennsylvania)
Beyond clinical data mining: data integration and electronic phenotyping for research cohort identification - 2017-05-09 - Marcus Kaiser
Mechanisms of connectome development - 2017-05-02 - Birgit Koch
Attempts to construct an E.coli strain that secretes singe stranded DNA (ssDNA) - 2017-04-25 - Charles Winterhalter
Barcoding bacteria for a better world - 2017-04-11 - Angel Goñi Moreno
Deconvolution of gene expression noise into spatial dynamics of transcription factor-promoter interplay - 2017-04-04 - Bowen Li
NUFEB 2.0: Computational modelling of waste water microbial communities - 2017-03-28 - Vasileios Vavourakis (University College London)
Multiscale in-silico modelling: from cancer biophysics to surgical simulations - 2017-03-21 - Daniel Rico (Institute of Cellular Medicine)
Happiness on twitter and 3D chromatin structure - 2017-03-14 - Beth Lawry
IDRIS: A unique bacterial biomarker identification platform - 2017-03-07 - Chris Myers
A standard-enabled workflow for synthetic biology - 2017-02-28 - Jaume Bacardit
Characterising the influence of rule-based knowledge representations in biological knowledge extraction from transcriptomics data - 2017-02-21 - Lucy Eland
Optical tweezers and microfluidics for bacterial cell analysis - Viability testing - 2017-02-14 - Frances Hutchings
Transcranial Current Stimulation in a detailed neural network model: a new addition to the VERTEX toolbox - 2017-02-07 - Isaac Triguero (University of Nottingham)
Evolutionary models in the Big Data context - 2017-01-31 - Luis Peraza Rodriguez
Brain functional compensation in the neurodegenerative diseases - evidence from dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease - 2017-01-24 - Paweł Widera
Modelling realistic random networks - 2017-01-17 - Keith Flanagan
i-sense: Sensor systems for the detection and identification of bacteria - 2017-01-10 - Mariia Vasileva
Sensitivity analysis for the verification of hybrid systems - 2016-12-13 - Christopher Hayward
Efficient testing of treatment scenarios for brain disorders through large-scale computer simulations - 2016-12-06 - Wendy Smith
Monitoring and measuring metabolic load in Bacillus subtilis - 2016-11-29 - James McLaughlin
Integrating data for fun and profit - 2016-11-22 - Benjamin Shirt-Ediss
Modelling DNA computing nanosystems - 2016-11-15 - Katherine James
The secret life of RNA polymerase - 2016-11-08 - Nicola Lazzarini
RGIFE: a ranked guided iterative feature elimination heuristic for biomarkers identification - 2016-11-01 - Linda Anticoli (University of Udine)
Quantum information and quantum computation: a (very) short introduction - 2016-10-25 - Will Browne (Victoria University of Wellington)
Cognitive learning using evolutionary computing - 2016-10-18 - Professor Anil Wipat and the iGEM team
Culture-Shock: Fusing biological function with electronic predictability - 2016-10-11 - Chris Myers (University of Utah)
Genetic design automation - 2016-10-04 - Alice Iliasova (Northern Institute for Cancer Research)
Cancer patients' outcome prediction: novel techniques for estimating copy number alterations in childhood brain tumours using DNA methylation arrays. - 2016-09-27 - Roman Bauer
Quantitative modelling of neural development: On the origins of glioma and cortical layers. - 2016-09-20 - Katherine James
The secret life of RNA polymerase - 2016-09-13 - Martin Sim
Synthetic biology approaches to engineer model organisms and communities for the NUFEB project - 2016-09-06 - Laurence Orr
Development of synthetic bacterial quorum communication systems for Bacillus Subtilis - 2016-07-26 - Steven Gustafson (General Electric)
Assisting asset model development with evolutionary augmentation - 2016-07-19 - Steven Gustafson (General Electric)
Advancing innovation with massive data, analytics and new user experience - 2016-07-12 - Yujiang Wang
Universality in human cortical folding in health and disease - 2016-07-05 - Martin Hanczyc (University of Trento)
Synthetic biology: perspectives from artificial life - 2016-06-28 - Peter Taylor
Computational modelling in epilepsy - 2016-06-21 - Jeremy Revell
Parameter inference for stochastic biological models: the cross-entropy method - 2016-06-14 - Christopher Thornton
Stimulus evoked propagating neuronal activity in silico and in vitro - 2016-06-07 - Jonny Naylor
Bioform: an in-silico tool for the 3D modelling of bacterial populations, from design to simulation and analysis - 2016-05-24 - Bart Craenen
AI and search: from solving CSPs to robotic planning onto cloud security - 2016-05-17 - Goksel Misirli
Modular composition of synthetic biology designs using rule-based models - 2016-05-10 - Paolo Zuliani
Statistical probabilistic delta-reachability - 2016-05-03 - Graham Smith
Modelling the pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis - 2016-04-26 - Aurelie Guyet
Computational colloids: Engineered bacteria as computational agents in the design and manufacture of new materials and structures - 2016-04-19 - Alessandro Ceccarelli
Programmable synthetic RNA origami in vivo: from synthesis to folding - 2016-04-05 - Aisha Blfgeh, Joseph Mullen, Goksel Misirli
A series of short talks on the development of ontologies - 2016-03-22 - James Gilbert (University of Nottingham)
Generating synthetic complex networks with realistic topology and ground-truth community structure - 2016-03-15 - James Skelton
A bioinformatics pipeline for insights into xenobiotic degredation - 2016-03-08 - Omer Markovitch
Predicting species emergence in complex networks (1.45 MiB) - 2016-03-01 - Charles Winterhalter
In-vivo implementation of bioengineering circuits (3.67 MiB) - 2016-02-23 - Harold Fellermann
Modelling the cybernetics of biological switches (1.51 MiB) - 2016-02-16 - Chris Papasavvas
Divisive inhibition enhances entrainment and long-range synchronization in a neural mass model - 2016-02-09 - Fedor Shmarov
SMT-based reasoning for uncertain hybrid domains - 2016-02-02 - Phil Lord
What's in a name: identifiers in bioinformatics - 2016-01-19 - Natalio Krasnogor
Accelerating synthetic biology via software and hardware advances - 2016-01-12 - Marcus Kaiser
In silico medicine: informing treatment of brain network disorders - 2015-12-15 - Birgit Koch
Interactions between type IV secretion system (T4SS) proteins from N. gonorrheae in E. coli - 2015-12-08 - Patricia Ryser-Welch (University of York)
Discovering human-readable algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem, using Cartesian Genetic Programming - 2015-12-01 - Sol Lim
Enhancing functional recovery after stroke: Identifying neuro-stimulation targets - 2015-11-24 - Beth Lawry
Characterising novel biomarkers for use in point of need sensors: A Clostridium difficile case study - 2015-11-17 - Jaume Bacardit
The hurdles of tackling a biomedical data mining competition: The DREAM ALS challenge - 2015-11-03 - Paolo Zuliani
Parameter Synthesis for Biological Models - 2015-10-20 - Lucy Eland
Microfluidics systems for biofilm growth, manipulation and assembly - 2015-10-13 - Steven Smith (University of York)
The application of evolutionary computation to the diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson's disease - 2015-10-06 - Guido Sanguinetti (University of Edinburgh)
Exploiting spatial patterns in the analysis of ChIP-Seq and BS-Seq data - 2015-09-29 - Luis Peraza-Rodriguez
Analysis of functional resting state imaging from Parkinson's disease patients with mild cognitive impairment - 2015-09-22 - Frances Hutchings
Using patient connectivity data to predict surgery targets in temporal lobe epilepsy - 2015-09-08 - Paweł Widera
Construction, visualisation and analysis of co-expression networks - 2015-07-14 - Sunny Park
Single-cell-level Measurement Platform For Applications In Synthetic Biology - 2015-07-07 - Bruno Mota (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Cortical folding scales universally with surface area and thickness, not number of neurons - 2015-06-30 - Annunziata Lopiccolo
A DNA data structure - 2015-06-23 - Chien Yi Chang
Synthetic Biology: DNA origami - 2015-06-16 - Sicun Gao (MIT)
Formal Methods in the Physical World - 2015-06-09 - Colin Johnson (University of Kent)
Measuring Program Progress using Information Theory - 2015-06-02 - Nicola Lazzarini
FuNeL: a general protocol to infer functional networks from machine learning models - 2015-05-26 - Pablo Suau Perez
A KTP program in the PCB manufacturing industry - 2015-05-19 - Anaïs Baudot (CNRS)
Network approaches for human diseases - 2015-05-05 - Harold Fellermann
Novel Computational Methods for Systems Chemistry - 2015-04-28 - Natalio Krasnogor
Simple information theory for practical applications - 2015-04-21 - Jim Smith (University of the West of England)
Interactive Memetic Algorithms: New possibilities for social learning - 2015-04-14 - Egils Stalidzans (University of Latvia)
Performance of global stochastic optimisation methods under different constraints of kinetic models - 2015-04-13 - Simon Connell, Jung-uk Shim and Stephen Evans (University of Leeds)
Membranes, microfluidics, microbubbles: from underpinning science to early diagnosis and therapy - 2015-04-10 - Doron Lancet (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Rational confederation of genes and diseases - 2015-03-31 - Marcus Kaiser
The Human Green Brain Project: computational models of the developing connectome - 2015-03-24 - Roman Bauer
On computer simulations of brain development - 2015-03-17 - Anil Wipat
Standards for Synthetic Biology: Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) - 2015-03-10 - Martin Sim
NUFEB and a Synthetic Biology driven approach to improve wastewater treatment - 2015-03-03 - Jerzy Kozyra
DNA nanotechnology rendez-vous with syntetic biology - 2015-02-24 - Jens Geyti
Docker in academia - 2015-02-17 - Yujiang Wang
A computational study of stimulus driven epileptic seizure abatement - 2015-02-10 - Christoforos Papasavvas
Investigating the role of divisive inhibition (gain control) in the dynamics of neocortical networks - 2015-02-03 - Joseph Mullen
Systems Biology approaches to Drug Repurposing: 3 month industrial placement at GlaxoSmithKline, Stevenage - 2015-01-27 - Beth Lawry
Characterising unique biomarkers for the detection of Clostridium difficile - 2015-01-13 - Julian Miller (University of York)
Evolving solutions to computational problems using materials - 2014-12-16 - Paolo Zuliani
Biological applications of hybrid systems verification - 2014-12-09 - Jannetta Steyn
A computational model of the impact of dopamine on the neurons of the crustacean pyloric central pattern generator - 2014-12-02 - Peter Taylor
Ultra high resolution brain connectivity and brain stimulation in epilepsy - 2014-11-25 - Rachel Armstrong
Counting with Nature: Design Perspectives - 2014-11-18 - Katherine James
Identifying the biomarkers of fatigue, learning to live with subjective clinical data, or, how tired are we anyway - 2014-11-11 - Natalio Krasnogor
Computation and Polymer Synthesis for Designer Quorum Sensing Behaviour - 2014-11-04 - Marcus Kaiser
Synthetic Connectomics: Improving cognition through changing brain connectivity - 2014-10-28 - Omer Markovitch
Compositional Lipid Assemblies as Evolving Protocells - 2014-10-21 - Ben Shirt-Ediss (Pompeu Fabra University)
Protocells: Chemical Reactions within Active Boundaries - 2014-10-14 - Harold Fellermann
The Infobiotics Workbench: Computer-Aided Design for Synthetic Biology - 2014-09-30 - Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mamun
Computational models to demonstrate the effects of maspin on tumour growth - 2014-09-23 - Charles Winterhalter
The GGI dynamics and a strange DNA-origami - 2014-09-16 - Fedor Shmarov
Algorithm for verification of probabilistic reachability in hybrid systems, with application to biological models - 2014-09-09 - Alex Bateman (EMBL-EBI)
RNAcentral: A new comprehensive resource of non-coding RNAs - 2014-09-02 - Birgit Koch
Type IV secretion systems in general and in the lab - 2014-07-29 - Anil Wipat
A programmable rhizosphere: Highly-integrated genetic programs for spatio-temporal control - 2014-07-15 - Jennifer Hallinan
Tuning receiver characteristics in bacterial quorum communication: An evolutionary approach using Standard Virtual Biological Parts - 2014-07-08 - Paolo Zuliani
Simulation-based verification for stochastic systems (1.44 MiB) - 2014-07-01 - Curtis Madsen
Stochastic analysis of synthetic genetic circuits - 2014-06-24 - Joseph Dillard
Breaking down the wall: Peptidoglycan degradation enzymes affect infection, inflammation, and cell separation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae - 2014-06-17 - Jaume Bacardit
Knowledge extraction from biological data - 2014-06-03 - Phillip Lord
Tawny-OWL: A programmatic environment for ontologies. So what? - 2014-05-27 - Peter Andras
Analysis and understanding of complex systems - 2014-05-20 - Sungshic Park
Microfluidic techniques for single cell analysis - 2014-05-06 - Markus Kaiser
Benchmarking the modular organisation of biological networks - 2014-04-29 - Wendy Smith
Standard approaches to RNAseq-based transcriptional profiling of bacillus subtilis chassis in response to stress and metabolic load - 2014-04-22 - Peter Woolard
Computational biology at GSK - 2014-04-15 - Sol Lim
Preferential detachment during human brain development - 2014-04-01 - Nils Hammerla
Activity recognition in ecologically valid environments using body-worn sensing - 2014-04-01 - Kanida Sinmai
Supporting collaborative work using interactive tabletop - 2014-03-18 - Natalio Krasnogor
Darwin's magic: Evolutionary computation in nanobiosciences (23.29 MiB) - 2014-03-11 - Nicola Lazzarini
A machine learning approach to infer gene interaction networks (2.51 MiB) - 2014-03-04 - Harold Fellermann
Physical simulation with complex states (8.14 MiB) - 2014-02-25 - Keith Flanagan
Entanglement: Embarrassingly-scalable graphs - 2014-02-18 - Chien-Yi Chang
Synthetic Biology: a brief introduction of the new era - 2014-02-11 - John Dawson
Finding and unifying definitions of immersion (1.26 MiB) - 2014-02-04 - Paweł Widera
Network visualisation - how to tame the complexity? (4.05 MiB) - 2014-01-28 - Roman Bauer
Old gets richer: a growth model for the development of hubs (1.67 MiB) - 2014-01-28 - Jerzy Kozyra
Friendship paradox in complex networks (4.65 MiB)