Accompanying material for paper "Predicting Proto-Species Emergence in Simulated Complex Pre-Biotic Network", by Markovitch & Krasnogor. Please also see the full manuscript and its supplementary materials. The data and software is distributed without any warranty. FILES ----- - gallery - website with additional plots - - beta networks, small set (37 MB) - - beta networks, full set (335 MB) - - MATLAB source code used to generate the beta networks DATASET DESCRIPTION ------------------- For each of the 10,000 beta networks used in the paper, a text file is provided that contains: 1) Seed number that was used to generate the specific beta network. 2) For each compotype observed in the GARD simulation under this beta - a vector of its composition (elements normalized to have sum = 1.0). 3) For each of the 3 community detection algorithms (Louvain, Infomap and OSLOM): - indices of which communities were assigned to which compotype, - for each detected community - a list of the indices stating for each node to which community it belongs to. 4) A matrix with full values of beta (that is - all beta_ij values).